The June “Sea Sun Festival” was a great showcase of talent from around the World. Participating countries included Russia, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Uzbekistan including a team that travelled all the way from Malaysia!
The Festival started with the contest day held at the Gran Casino Lloret de Mar. All of the participants displayed great talent in front of the Judges who had a difficult task of marking the performances. A special note to the participants who had entered the Fashion category… the costumes were outstanding!!
The Gala concert was held in the evening at la placa de Pere Torrent, lloret de Mar. The chance to display the skills and talent to the public and tourists of the town, including the new Tourism Councillor of the town.
The crowd eagerly watched the show and enjoyed all the performances including a fantastic tap dance style routine from of Saint Petersberg Dance Group “Step Show”.
The evening ended with eagerly awaited results of the competition… and the Grand Prix winners were finally announced …. A great result for Dewangga Dance from Malaysia!!
RESULTS «Sea, Sun, Festival»
15/06/2015 Spain
GRAND PRIX (Platinum diploma) go to Vilnius, Lithuania with folk dance group «Ugnele» in nomination “folk dance”, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with choreography group “Dewangga Dance” in nomination “folk dance” and to Rīga, Latvia with soloist Kazakova Sofija from vocal group “Acolada”.
Nomination «Choreographic groups and soloists»
Bronze Diploma from 70 to 79 points |
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points |
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points |
Platinum diploma GRAND PRIX |
Nomination «Original genre»
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points |
Nomination «Singing»
Copper diploma up to 70 points |
Bronze Diploma from 70 to 79 points |
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points |
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points |
Platinum diploma GRAND PRIX |
Nomination «Artists and authors of the decorative and applied art’s products, fashion theaters»
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points |
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points |

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