Report of Dance Factory (March, 2023)

We are delighted to present our report on the successful completion of the International Choreographic Contest “Dance Factory”, which took place along the breathtaking Spanish coast of Costa Brava. This remarkable event embodied a perfect balance of excitement and celebration, as participants experienced moments of triumph and tears of happiness during this esteemed international competition.

As one of Europe’s most prestigious contests, “Dance Factory”, it brought together talented performers from around the world, creating an electrifying atmosphere filled with motivation and dedication. With the competition now behind us, we reflect on the emotions that surged through the participants, leaving them exhilarated with their achievements and fully immersed in the grand spirit of this exceptional event. The captivating art of dance took center stage, as creativity flourished, and dreams were realized throughout this unforgettable journey.

Results of Dance Factory (March, 2023)

Nominations «Hip hop», «Sport dance», «Variety dance», «Social dance», «Strip plastics», «Show dance», «Contemporary dance», «Modern dance», «Jazz dance», «Ballroom dance», «Acrodance», «Folk dance» and «Rumba»

“MY WAY”, Holon, Israel/Hip hop
100 points
Academia de danza “Alira”, Spain/Neoclassica
Academia de danza “Alira”, Spain/Jazz
“Bilim Dance”, Bishkek, Kyrgystan/Variety dance
“Dance Theatre”, Riga, Latvia/Show dance
Duet – Dream (Vassilyev Yevgeniy and Nikitina Diana), Konaev, Kazakhstan/Ballroom dance
Duet – Laura Martin and Cristina Dehtyarova, Spain/Modern dance
Duet – Kerzhner Lisa and Ratusniy Eva, Holon, Israel/Contemporary dance
“EIGHT CLIQUE”, France/Sport dance
“Happy Feet”, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Ratusniy Eva, Holon, Israel/Contemporary
Shir Avraham, Holon, Israel/Hip hop

Golden diploma
from 90 to 99 points
Apela Alona, Riga, Latvia/Show dance
Academia de danza “Alira”, Spain/Classical dance
Academia de danza “Alira”, Spain/Modern dance
Bilim Dance (Younger group), Bishkek, Kyrgystan/Variety dance
Bogatyreva Begaiym, Bishkek, Kyrgystan/Variety dance
Duet – Dream (Vassilyev Yevgeniy and Nikitina Diana), Konaev, Kazakhstan/Social dance
Guseva Melissa, Limassol, Cyprus/Folk dance
Duet – Guseva Melissa and Skirnevskaia Miroslava, Limassol, Cyprus/Acrodance
Ilinskaya Ksenia, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Ilinskaya Maya, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Ionova Karolina, Riga, Latvia/Show dance
Kerzhner Lisa, Holon, Israel/Hip hop
Kirichenko Victoria, Holon, Israel/Hip hop
Myrzaeva Samilla Mariia, Bishkek, Kyrgystan/Variety dance
Nikolaeva Anastasia, Riga, Latvia/Show dance
Escuela de flamenco de Carolina Villegas, Spain/Rumba
Saparalieva Bermet, Bishkek, Kyrgystan/Variety dance
Saitere Katrina, Riga, Latvia/Modern dance
Selusinska Lada, Riga, Latvia/Show dance
Skirnevskaia Miroslava, Limassol, Cyprus/Acrodance

Silver diploma
from 80 to 89 points
Dzene Olga, Riga, Latvia/Strip plastics
Guseva Melissa, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Kozlova Ulyana, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Shevchuk Solomiia, Limassol, Cyprus/Variety dance
Bronze diploma
from 70 to 79 points

GRAND PRIX (Platinum diploma) go to Holon, Israel with “My Way” in nomination  “Hip hop”.


Join an unforgettable event to announce your talent to the world. You can see all information and conditions of participation in this contest by clicking on the link: International Choreographic Contest “Dance Factory”.

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