Star Symphony: Super Cup – Encounter with True Art during Chinese New Year

Your encounter with true art begins at next year’s most exciting and inspiring event – The Super Cup 2024 Performing Arts Competition. This competition does not just bring together people of different ages and talents, it creates a magical atmosphere where each participant has a unique opportunity to shine on stage and give the world their unique spark and joy of creativity.

It is a real holiday of art for each participant, where each performance is like a star illuminating the night sky. The Super Cup Performing Arts Competition, which will be held on February 15-20, during the Chinese New Year in 2024, is a story about the power of creativity and passion, and the opportunity to share your talent with the world.

This unique competition brings together people of all ages and art forms under one roof, creating a magical atmosphere. From music and dance to orchestra and theatre studios, from vocal and choral singing to drawing and design, Super Cup welcomes participants in all creative fields, encouraging everyone to unleash their potential in front of a captivated audience.

And what prizes await the participants! The main prize is the Super Talent Cup, which will be a symbol of your skills and efforts. But that’s not all! The winners and runners-up in various categories will be rewarded with medals, diplomas, certificates and letters of thanks on the Kingdom of Spain’s Coat of Arms paper. This is not only recognition, but also unforgettable memorable honours.

Masterclasses from industry professionals and special programmes are designed especially for you. This is a unique opportunity not only to share your talent, but also to learn from the best, find inspiration and support from like-minded people. Our programmes are designed to enhance your skills, further qualify your teachers and help you grow as a creative individual.

Super Cup is your chance to enter the world of art, express yourself, gain recognition and enjoy an unforgettable creative journey! The Chinese New Year period is filled with a fairytale atmosphere, and in this magic, each participant becomes the protagonist of their own story.

Join us and give the world your passion, talent and emotions! Your art deserves an ovation and Super Cup will give you the stage for this magnificent symphony of talents!

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