The international festival “Sea Sun Festival” has successfully opened the new festival season of Fiestalonia.
The multi-genre festival “Sea Sun Festival” was held from 22 to 27 of September, 2019 in Lloret de Mar, Spain.
This bright event attracted gifted dancers, musicians, vocalists, artists, folklore artists, young theater actors, fashion designers from 10 countries! All participants were greeted by beautiful sunny weather and the warm Mediterranean Sea.
The festival program was full of vibrant and unforgettable events. In addition to the contest day and the gala concert, the participants were offered guided tours of the historical sites of Catalonia, as well as the opportunity to touch the art of flamenco at the workshop by Yulia Kruglyak, an internationally recognized flamenco performer with 20 years of stage experience.
The contest day was held on the huge stage of the municipal theater of Lloret de Mar. The professional jury evaluated the performances and works of the participants.
Since there were only a few days left before the gala concert, where the participants would be able to find out the results of their hard work and preparation, many contestants went in search of inspiration.
So the Shagdi folklore dance ensemble went on a journey as part of the Mediterranean Legends, the Compañía de danza folklórica “México de mis Amores and Duta Seni Boyolali shared their vibrant cultures at a small concert for hotel guests, the artists of the Zharkent art studio painted the picturesque bay “Cala Banys” at the organized plein air “Linear sketch of the Spanish bay”, and the theater studio “Et Cetera” learned the basics of flamenco.
The festival program ended with a bright gala concert, at which the participants again had to enter the stage, this time in front of locals and the city tourists!
Grand Prix winner was Alena Sidorova, Russia.
We congratulate all participants and look forward to a new meeting!
Participating countries: Finland, Indonesia, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Ukraine, Mexico, South Africa, Spain.\
Results of XLI Sea Sun Festival (September 2019, Spain)
Nomination «Singing» (choirs, ensembles, duets, trios, soloists)
Nomination «Instrumental groups and soloists»
GRAND PRIX 100 points |
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points |
Bronze Diploma from 70 to 79 points
Copper diploma up to 70 points |
Nominations «Choreographic groups and soloists»
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points
Bronze Diploma from 70 to 79 points |
Nomination «Students of art colleges, academies and institute/visual arts»
Golden diploma from 90 to 99 points
Silver diploma from 80 to 89 points
Bronze Diploma from 70 to 79 points |