Offline Contests Reports

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Unleashing Creativity: Contestants Who Embrace Video Creation

Unleashing Creativity: Contestants Who Embrace Video Creation

Musica del Mar Festival Competition: A Celebration of Musical Excellence

Musica del Mar Festival Competition: A Celebration of Musical Excellence

Upcoming Event Announcement

Experience the Artistry of Marcos Martinez

When festival participants capture the audience's attention: Collaborating with Star Artists in Music Videos

When festival participants capture the audience’s attention: Collaborating with Star Artists in Music Videos

Fiestalonia: Opening our arms to everyone - including people with disabilities

Fiestalonia: Opening our arms to everyone – including people with disabilities

Golden Voices of Montserrat

A global event for choirs: Golden Voices of Montserrat

Flamenco immersion workshop

Flamenco immersion workshop

Sing & Smile: Journey into the World of Music

“Sing & Smile: Journey into the World of Music, Emotions and Beauty of Ancient Medieval Temples!”

Top 5 reasons to go to the Mediterranean Legends competition

Top 5 reasons to go to the Mediterranean Legends competition

The report of the TV channel “Uzbekistan 24” about the competition “Open Asia”

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